Sunday, March 23, 2008

case in point

So I mentioned in my last post that taking pictures of a one year old is probably one of the hardest things ever. Here are our attempts at an Easter family picture. Look at Ollie, not at my double chin, please.


Anonymous said...

Daisy is precious! I love her Easter outfit! Oliver is a funny guy. His poses crack me up. Aunt Cleta said to tell you that she really liked the name Daisy because she had a friend named that. Ha!

Anonymous said...

A BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!! Rachel, I don't see a double chin. I think you look fabulous for having a baby one week ago. Getting 6 people, 4 who are under 5 years old to stand or sit is nearly impossible. I think you did a great job. Can't wait to see Daisy. I have had flu all week and still coughing so wouldn't come near her today. Love you guys.

Unknown said...

Ummm....I see no double chin.
Don't you think it's gonna be so funny when Oli is older and says, "Yep, the 3 blondes....those are my sisters" to all of his friends.

Anonymous said...

Well,what did you expect...Ollie is acting just like his dad! Lisa

Anonymous said...

You all look great. Call me if you need help any afternoon or night this week.

hillenblogshappywife said...

My favorite is the one with Ollie's head thrown back, Looks like he's laughing. I have decided those are my favorite kind of photos, the ones where we (mainly kids) are just being. Not posing...just throwing back our heads and laughing.But as everyone has said, can't see the double chin anywhere...and these are great pictures. We just love you guys!

Jessica Hickok said...

What an adorable family!

Anonymous said...

I fully expected to get on here and see a HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY blog with some pictures from back in the day. I suppose it is only 9:30, you still have some time.