Friday, July 11, 2008

holy cow

As Mandy said..."Some people's pride is worth more to them than $5.88." Well, not ours. Today was cow appreciation day at Chick Fil A. If you dressed like a cow from head to hoof you got a free meal. If you only had one cow item on, you got a free entree. We went all out and it was fun. We will be reusing the spots and tails next year.


jennwa said...

You guys looked great.

Hillengrandma said...

How cute! Looks like so much fun. Wish we had known. Can't you just see George and me dressed up like cows? We would have done it to get free meals, for sure, especially at Chick- Fil-A.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo, so much fun!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the baby dressed up too. My 9 month old dressed up and got a combo! Hey, she can't eat it but the rest of us can, :)
Great job!

Anonymous said...

That is adorable and hilarious at the same time. Also, I thought of you guys today (well...mainly Oliver)because I showed a couple of Korean girls around town. They are here for a month and a half studying English. It was fun. I would have brought them by to meet Oliver, but I wasn't sure if you guys would be home or not. I learned lots of interesting Korean facts.

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you kids! You looked so cute and you saved some money! Well....maybe....don't count your gas!
